Sunday, June 5, 2011

is natalie portman jewish

is natalie portman jewish. actress Natalie Portman,
  • actress Natalie Portman,

  • rxse7en
    Jul 26, 11:30 PM
    Well I guess you should check your luck with a Terk TV5 off air antennae direct connect to your Digital TV tuner to confirm you can receive decent HDTV Broadcast signals before buying the EyeTV 500.

    I receive 1080i HDTV signal via satellite. Gotta love MonstersHD. :D


    is natalie portman jewish. Natalie Portman
  • Natalie Portman

  • SevenInchScrew
    May 2, 11:37 PM
    Oooooooh, R32!!

    Those MKII MR2s and the FC RX7 are extra awesome looking as well. I really, REALLY love 90s-ish Japanese cars. So many amazing vehicles back then.

    is natalie portman jewish. Does anyone here know of some
  • Does anyone here know of some

  • Chundles
    Sep 24, 07:55 PM
    And, by the way, thank you so much for making me think of my parents having sex.

    Edit: and I still think the first way to get on that road to being a grounded adult is to get out of his freaking parent's house. Until then, he should have to experience exactly the parental attitude that Chundles (sarcastically) described.

    Disclaimer: And, yes, I had no chance whatsoever to get laid when I was 18, so, yeah, I'm freaking jealous. Also, had I told my parents I was going over to sleep at my girlfriend's house, they (a) would have fainted out of sheer disbelief, then (b) beat the crap out of me.

    Yeah, definitely get out of the house. However, if he's off to uni and will be staying at a college he's probably got a few months where there's no real point to him moving out. And if he is off to uni and staying at a college.... :D there's gonna be some serious learnin' goin' oowwnnnn... If you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge SAY NO MORE!

    is natalie portman jewish. Actress Natalie Portman
  • Actress Natalie Portman

  • ozontheroad
    Oct 31, 01:41 PM
    Does anyone listen to headphones while hiking? I'd want to keep a listen out for bears (Stephen Colbert has set me straight as to the danger of bears!). :D

    4 years ago I hiked the Camino de Santiago, an old pilgrimage route that goes across Spain (850 km)

    I had a diskman at the time and used for about 5 minutes during the walk.

    I found that it ruined the whole experience.

    sometimes the best music is absolute silence


    is natalie portman jewish. and this is a pic of Gal Gadot
  • and this is a pic of Gal Gadot

  • rb6
    Aug 16, 07:03 PM
    mine right now

    is natalie portman jewish. Nude-Natalie-Portman-Miss-Dior
  • Nude-Natalie-Portman-Miss-Dior

  • Ryeno
    Apr 29, 02:41 AM
    So Samsung believed Apple was violating it's patents all this time but decided to do nothing about it. Now that they have been pushed they decide to act. Sounds to me they are trying to find whatever they can to bite back at Apple.

    NO. This is how it works in the world of corporate business.

    Company A has a patent (or more) that Co. B wants. B uses A's patents without consent. A waits. A finds a patent B has that they want. A uses B's patents without consent. Then A sues B or vice-verse. The two co. get together and work out a licensing deal. Profit.


    is natalie portman jewish. Portman, who is Jewish and was
  • Portman, who is Jewish and was

  • DrGruv1
    Aug 16, 09:04 PM
    Here is my Avatar - Vote for this one! :)



    is natalie portman jewish. Natalie Portman and John
  • Natalie Portman and John

  • JoeG4
    Apr 30, 07:09 PM
    Another day, another new name. Hehe.


    is natalie portman jewish. (Natalie Portman was born in
  • (Natalie Portman was born in

  • dblake
    Sep 6, 12:12 AM
    This is the background, everything else is stock.

    is natalie portman jewish. Jewish Person Natalie Portman
  • Jewish Person Natalie Portman

  • PeckhamBog
    May 2, 04:51 PM
    It's all perspective. The biceps are closer to the camera than the hands. This is why, when taking pictures of fish, you always extend your arms toward the camera.

    Is that where the expression "scaling up the size" is derived from?

    I hope to find a blood session this month [last bled in December] but haven't tried taking a picture of myself before.

    I have a video of my wife getting a cannula inserted recently (and another one of my daughter having one removed) if any one wants to see some BIG needles. :D :eek:


    is natalie portman jewish. Since Jacobs is Jewish,
  • Since Jacobs is Jewish,

  • grim103
    Dec 17, 03:44 PM
    Refill coming out on the 21st. YAY :) :)

    is natalie portman jewish. natalie portman pictured
  • natalie portman pictured

  • LotuSviLLe
    Jul 6, 04:42 PM
    I am certain I will be the only one in Mount Dora, Florida at 8:00AM on July 11, 2008 to purchase the coveted iPhone 3G.

    Please someone out there prove me wrong.


    is natalie portman jewish. Natalie Portman, a Jewish
  • Natalie Portman, a Jewish

  • quadroid
    Apr 26, 07:47 PM
    When menus closed, I have found everything I wanted, and he still continues searching at the background.
    Can I make Spotlight stopped searching after I will choose something from the results?

    is natalie portman jewish. natalie portman elle U.K.
  • natalie portman elle U.K.

  • misterine
    Apr 22, 09:02 PM
    Hey, this question might be asked a lot but, I'm looking for old backups, and i'm on my backup folder and i see a LOT of stuff, but when I connect my phone to my itunes and go under backups i dont have all the selection..


    is natalie portman jewish. sidney crosby look jewish
  • sidney crosby look jewish

  • stefmesman
    May 4, 01:28 PM
    Why isn't apple making a new FCE, a lot of people is asking for one.?

    because the new FCP is nearly the same price as FCE. and FCP has alot more options.

    is natalie portman jewish. Natalie Portman as a Chasidic
  • Natalie Portman as a Chasidic

  • Mr. Anderson
    Feb 12, 03:00 PM
    Case and point! :rolleyes:

    Don't worry, he's promised to be a good boy. And he knows that he has to keep it clean.



    is natalie portman jewish. quot;Jewish Wigger?quot;
  • quot;Jewish Wigger?quot;

  • hobbbz
    Mar 8, 12:00 AM

    Just released. Only does basic conversion for now but it's something.

    is natalie portman jewish. Natalie Portman is
  • Natalie Portman is

  • palusami
    Nov 29, 01:19 PM
    does anyone know of a mac osx program similar to konfabulator that's free? i love the widgets but i don't think its worth $25 to get the full copy. of konfabulator

    is natalie portman jewish. Natalie Portman is Pregnant
  • Natalie Portman is Pregnant

  • samiwas
    Mar 3, 08:50 AM
    It's amazing just how few (3 so far that I can count) SERIOUS and thoughtful replies to this thread there have been. It almost seems that without personal attacks or social distress we have nothing to talk about... even when faced with the amazingly detrimental economic situation described in the OP. Truly fascinating. Seems more true to me than ever that most on the left either A) fail to recognize the depth and seriousness of the problem at hand, B) don't care or aren't willing to make the necessary cuts to maintain economic sanity, C) are too busy playing petty politics (the blame game) worrying about who caused the problem instead of who's going to fix it. It seems that unless the threads directly pit right vs. left, no one cares enough to engage intellectually and make progress towards a solution. Anyway, thanks to the posters above who actually contributed... I may not agree with your suggestions, but at least your in the arena.

    And in the 14,298 other threads in which people have brought up OTHER solutions to reduce deficit/debt, you pull the same crap. So don't start with that. You are one of the biggest pots in a sea of black kettles.

    Unless the solution is cutting SS, Medicare, or Medicaid, or any myriad of programs that actually help people, you and your ilk want nothing of it. You want more cut taxes for wealthy and less tax and regulation on business. Period. To you, that is the ONLY way to move forward.

    It's understandable that rich people don't want programs that help people, because they themselves don't need help. Hopefully, you don't plan on needing Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid when you are older, and i'm sure your parents are good without it either. If they need assistance, you will cover them, I'm sure.

    Apr 27, 03:56 PM
    Phil Schiller, Steve Jobs, and Scott Forstall at iOS 4 introduction (Source: CNET (

    Earlier today, All Things Digital conducted a telephone interview with Steve Jobs and other Apple senior executives, covering the location tracking controversy ( and white iPhone 4 delays ( All Things Digital has now followed with a full, edited transcript ( of the portion of the interview covering the location tracking issue.

    In the full interview, Jobs discusses why it took Apple nearly a week to respond to the issue, noting that the company needed to take the time to investigate the situation and figure out how best to relate the information to the public."We're an engineering-driven company," Jobs said in a telephone interview Wednesday. "When people accuse us of things, the first thing we want to do is find out the truth. That took a certain amount of time to track all of these things down. And the accusations were coming day by day. By the time we had figured this all out, it took a few days. Then writing it up and trying to make it intelligible when this is a very high-tech topic took a few days. And here we are less than a week later."Most of the other points of the interview were covered in the earlier highlight piece, but the full transcript also includes new details about how the location database works and about Apple's views on user control over location services.

    When pressed on what services Apple might be developing using location information, Jobs referred only to the potential traffic service ( disclosed in the official Q&A, declining to expand on that with additional information or possibilities.

    Sep 26, 07:04 PM

    For all you .Mac subscribers, our webmail will soon get a new look. It will have drop and drag, autofill, and other features to catch up with the other AJAX web mail applications.

    I hope for more .Mac improvements in the future. :D

    Apr 4, 03:46 PM
    On a side note, I wonder whether Apple violates competition rules. When I remember correctly, the iPad had a considerable market share on the tablet market. One could argue that Apple abuses its market position to impose their own (unfair) conditions on publishers.

    No, they don't.

    Apr 30, 10:42 PM

    Nov 23, 12:27 AM
    that was... ummm... not good at all. it wasnt even a good attempt. so umm no.

    Pot, meet Kettle.

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