Monday, June 6, 2011

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  • Steviejobz
    Apr 4, 11:18 AM
    Cool, just cancelled my print subscription

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • BTW
    Mar 24, 12:15 AM
    It is just more signs of the times. OSX is at the end of its life cycle with Lion coming out as the transitional OS before iOS rules them all. Lion does away with a separate server edition and is preparing the way for iOS. The only key piece that needs to catch up to make iOS feasible on desktop hardware is the A series processors (i.e. A6 or A7 with multi-cores to catch-up with Intel's desktop procs).

    So Lion will be released this summer and the next generation OS will come out in 2013-ish sans the cat naming convention and sans a distinction between iDevice and Mac. iOS naming conventions should follow mythical winged predators (i.e. Phoenix, Gryphon and Dragon).

    human digestive system diagram and. digestive system diagram and
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  • iCaleb
    Sep 1, 01:13 AM
    Wallpapers found here (

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  • Marvin1379
    May 1, 10:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Similar to the message that "" sent in the 90s? Hey, I purchased aol, or prodigy, or compuserve. Just bc we have a plethora of choices of free services, it doesn't mean that someone who pays for something is obnoxious.


    human digestive system diagram and. digestive system diagram and
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  • Swampdonkey
    Apr 24, 11:44 AM
    Hi, I am using pic-in-pic full screen dissolves in an iMovie project. The problem is that when I attempt to detach and scrap audio in the 'superimposed' clip (ie. the 'top' one), it appears to do so, but then the audio comes through when I play the project back. There must be a very simple reason for this. Surely...

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • CaoCao
    Apr 26, 11:19 PM
    No straight man in their right mind would find lesbian sex detestable...

    What makes lesbian porn so likable?


    human digestive system diagram and. digestive system diagram and
  • digestive system diagram and

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 09:26 PM
    Samsung has an image problem, and even that has only improved in the last few years.
    You may think so, but it's not what you think it is. I travel globally and Samsung is very well thought of in the many countries I do business with.

    In addition they are not easily replaced as a component supplier. Apple benefits from their quality, high volume capacity, and very good pricing.

    I'm not married to either, but I am intimately knowledgeable of their respective operations. They have a mutually beneficial relationship. It would hurt Apple to lose them.

    Apples not stupid, just posturing for mind share. Its an American cultural thing. Samsung understands that, thus they are slashing back. Apples working hard to spin this so they look like the victim.

    It's what Apple the finger pointer does "you're holding it wrong". Another version "they all do that"

    No big deal they've got to blame someone, anyone.

    human digestive system diagram and. Digestive System Diagram
  • Digestive System Diagram

  • relimw
    Feb 18, 11:23 PM
    misterhouse ( X10 control software
    FinkCommander ( fink package manager frontend
    nessus ( Vulnerability scanner
    snort ( Network Intrustion Detection System


    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • CDCC
    Mar 27, 07:47 PM
    I think google has a lock on the map thing. I can't see apple employees driving around remapping the world to get their own data base

    Are you totally clueless?

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • maryhill7447
    May 4, 03:15 AM
    Really a good helper for moms and kids. My boy loves to read and play and it makes him laugh. It's very helpful!!! Thank you for your sharing.


    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • srl7741
    Apr 7, 12:35 PM
    The App is great and the games are all fun from an era gone bye. I'm glad to see them released. Astroids was one of my favorites.

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • kalikkalik
    Nov 29, 12:27 PM
    Apple will do the deal so media companies won't start asking Apple to shell out some cash to them for each iPod Microsoft and the Zune


    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • HMFIC03
    Apr 4, 01:18 PM
    You see? This is the problem when there's no competition. Pretty soon we'll have three main carriers (ATT, Verizon and Sprint). One of them decides to increase prices, then the other will follow suit. I'll go with an iPod touch and a paid phone once my contract is up. Screw them all!

    Agreed, more the competition the better - The consumers always win. :D Now only if Sprint could get the iphone. Then maybe those numbers of androids that is rising in market would shrink compared to the number of iPhones.

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • SevenInchScrew
    May 2, 11:37 PM
    Oooooooh, R32!!

    Those MKII MR2s and the FC RX7 are extra awesome looking as well. I really, REALLY love 90s-ish Japanese cars. So many amazing vehicles back then.


    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • Verto
    Oct 21, 05:18 PM

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • Globe199
    Apr 27, 04:02 PM
    yawn. how many more stories about this stupid "location tracking".

    Yeah, it's such a yawn and stupid that you bothered to click on it and reply. :confused:


    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 02:38 AM
    iniquitous obnoxious gays and lesbians.

    Well, hell's bells, Mr CaoCao, tell us how you really feel about us.

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • SkippyThorson
    Apr 6, 01:56 PM
    Petabytes didn't exist in my dictionary until today. Thank you, MacRumors.

    My first thought has already been said.

    Im curious how long that will suffice...

    My first question has been asked.

    12 petabytes? That doesn't seem like too much, actually. that's 1GB of storage for 12 million customers

    My first concern has been noted.


    This thread has read my mind today. I learned what a Petabyte is - today is a good day.

    I am concerned about how long Apple will take to fill that space and need to expand, of course, this is the first round of storage purchasing, and I'm sure there is more to come - but I'm not as concerned as I am interested. The rate at which this storage is used, consumed, and expanded upon will really show how far we've come in terms of computing capacity.

    An IT professor I know whom I saw today said, "It's a great time to be alive", and that has stuck with me very well for the past few hours. I truly am happy to be here to witness our expansion in technology. :)

    ~sheds single tear~

    human digestive system diagram and. human digestive system diagram
  • human digestive system diagram

  • zen.state
    Apr 4, 11:19 AM
    The only drives that really go above 15 watts are the 10,000+ rpm like the raptor but even then it's maybe 22 watts. The WD black I boot from is about 14 watts but the green from WD or any low powered drive can be as low as 8-9 watts. The average would be about 12.

    Apr 30, 10:09 AM
    If you could spend money to upgrade to the iPhone 5 right now, I say go for it.

    Nov 21, 12:22 AM
    just seems to me that people are acting like its a feature that shouldn't be on a phone rather then one that is almost standard. it also just seems that IM's are quicker conversations then texts, but maybe i'm wrong about that cause on phones it's pretty much the same thing.

    Well, that's the thing. Every iPod has featured something innovative. The original delivered a small music player capable of holding a (at the time) extensive amount of songs with seamless software. The 3G iPod opened the doors to all users. The mini added even more style and portability to it, making it very popular. The nano held even more songs in a smaller package with a color screen. The 5G iPod delivered all of the above with the ability to watch TV shows and movies on it. Each iPod has brought something to the table that's new and kept competitors guessing what they would do next. Advertising an iPhone, a major step for them, with instant messaging won't cut it. That's already out there. Up until the release of the 5G iPod, you couldn't buy TV shows legally on the internet. Instant messaging on your phone is offered by all of Apple's potential competitors should they decide to enter the mobile phone market.

    yea, but i think that if they do a full tiny keyboard, they will be going for something similar to a sidekick. the sidekick 3 was a major let down.

    I love the Sidekick. It's been a hugely successful phone. I think it was great that the SK3 added music, a 1.3 MP shooter, and EDGE, but I do agree they could have at least kept EDGE in there. I think Apple would be smart to make a device similar to the Sidekick. This doesn't mean that they need to make a swiveling screen, (even though it's been patented a million times by Danger) but I think people are starting to warm up to smartphones now. My generation (teen) and my sister's (early 20's) are especially. I have heard that Apple may be launching two devices: one simple phone and a smartphone, which is probably smart because not everyone is interested in a smartphone.

    Mar 3, 10:06 AM
    There is a long term move to dismantle government social programs and who needs the truth when we can lie to you gullible idiots? You know we can't afford your social program and school because we have these billion, thats B-I-L-L-I-O-N dollar bombers that need building. We can't let our contractor friends down.

    One of the few time I agree with the OP: We (referring to the U.S.A) Are Screwed.

    This is all very simplistic, but here goes:
    1. Reform Health care- one illness from bankruptcy is not acceptable for a developed country. Health care should have never been turned into a profit machine along the same lines that you don't want your police and firemen as for-profit enterprises. The larger the pool the smaller the costs.
    2. Cut Federal programs before lowering taxes especially on the rich- you can't balance a budget if you have no income. If you must lower taxes, you must first cut the programs and deal with the popular unrest before cutting any taxes. This is exactly what the champion of the Republican Party did not do- Reagan, he cut taxes but not programs and this country ran the first substantial deficits since WWII.
    3. Progressive Tax policies are a must- The rich are rich. Make them pay their fair share. They can afford it. Cutting their taxes to create jobs is mostly a conservative smoke screen to **** over average citizens. Trickle Down Economics, called voodoo economics by Bush Sr, equates to let the rich eat cake and rest of you can have the crumbs that fall off their plate.
    4. Stop allowing the Exportation of Jobs- If you want to keep a standard of living. Lowering the standard of living reduces income and tax revenues.
    5. Enact policies that support a strong Middle Class- instead of wiping it out for the sake of the rich. A strong middle class powers the economy.
    6. Search High and Low for Corruption- No system will work if it's corrupt. Thieves submitting thousands of fraudulent Medicare claims is hurting us. It also destroys the validity of any social program so conservatives can wave it in your face and say "see social programs are bad."
    7. Stop supporting Illegal Immigrants- We can't afford the cost of rounding up millions of illegals and deporting them. Enact policies that go after employers. If they can't get hired, eventually they will go back home. In Minnesota I remember when all the house building crews were made up of locals. Now they are all Hispanics. Don't get me wrong, my wife is Hispanic so I have nothing against Hispanics nor immigrants, just illegal ones. And if an illegal alien has a kid here, do not give that kid citizen status. We do have the right to have and enforce citizenship standards.
    8. Dismantle the War Machine- in the good ole days we could afford it. Now we can't.
    9. Taxes vs Services- Have a NO **** discussion on taxes vs services we want government to supply. Don't just run a "I'll lower your taxes" campaign.
    10. Push for Domestic Manufacturing and a Level World Wide Playing Field- It's a social, economic, and security issue. If we can't can't dump toxic waste in the river but China can, we can't compete. There is a price to pay for cheap products- the loss of our jobs and the degradation of our environment. And it is self reinforcing. Once we lose our jobs, all we can afford is the cheap product. Of course the few in charge of the corporate machine will do quite well for themselves as always.

    We are doomed because we need to:
    11. Find a new party to run the country- Democrats have problems staying balanced. Republicans DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT AVERAGE CITIZENS and they are too in love with WAR. I don't see the Tea Party and A-hole Sara as the answer either. Most likely no one will be able to achieve the previous 10 steps. Find a party who places people above corporate profits and can run a balance budget. Impossible?
    12. Find smarter citizens- This country is full of myopic dummies too stupid to know when they are shooting themselves in the foot. Ironically both conservatives and liberals will point at each other! ;)

    Apr 25, 04:18 AM
    I have always used my iphone 4 with the supplied USB cable. Yesterday when I plugged it i I got the yellow triangle symobol & the message

    "charging is not supported with this accessory".

    I have tried all the USB connections on my PC and still the same message.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Apr 28, 08:48 AM
    I still use a Verizon dumbphone. I see no real reason to switch to iphone, simply because I have little interest in the device (plus, I can't afford a data plan right now, which is required when you buy a Verizon smartphone)

    Verizon requires a $30 month data plan....AT&T offers one for $15 if you don't use a lot of data. That'll save you $360 over the 2 year contract.

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