Sunday, June 5, 2011

blackberry 8520 curve covers

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  • Macaroony
    Apr 28, 06:18 AM
    Now the plumber's mate OTOH.
    I should be so lucky. :(

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  • VSMacOne
    Oct 9, 08:25 PM
    Ok so I was having some timeline issues with TweetDeck for iPhone (just weird times for posts) so I decided to go ahead and give Tweetie 2 a shot.
    WOW... what an app! It's smooth, fast, responsive and easy to use. LOVE the offline capabilities. Couldn't care less about PUSH - it would kill my battery.
    So far, best Twitter app i've ever used!

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  • Buy For Blackberry 8520 Curve

  • chibianh
    Apr 24, 10:51 PM
    again, dang PS3 folders!! lol. The office I run has most of the computers folding now.. i think i've reached my limit until we decide to expand and get more computers :P

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  • TUD
    Feb 9, 03:54 PM
    well this kinda goes along with the A-list requirements, for A-list you have to have a high enough minute plan, and if you do, like me, you never end up using your minutes because everyone you call is on your A-list. So I have 9000 rollover minutes... sheesh. And if i drop down a level, I lose all my rollovers, pay a fee, then have to bump it back up the next month anyway. It's just a complicated way of making sure I don't go over my minutes.

    So I'll add this new feature tomorrow, and in 3 months I'll have 12000 rollover minutes. Hurray, i guess. :rolleyes:

    I am in the same boat, but I have over 11,000+ rollover minutes.


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  • manu chao
    Apr 4, 01:50 PM
    If this is from their website, what is their issue with letting users opt-out in their iPad app?
    If you have doubts that this from their website why don't you check (two clicks away from
    It is about two things:
    (a) Knowing their demographics
    (b) Being able to communicate directly with their customers, even if is only about new features or special offers (there are two checkboxes, people might agree to first one but not the second one, Apple with its great simplicity won't allow such differentiated options)

    blackberry 8520 curve covers. BLACKBERRY 8520 CURVE LV Case

  • digunderground
    Oct 26, 03:11 PM
    I get out of work at 5:20 pm, so I should be there at 6pm waiting like everyone else. ill be wearing a black shirt and tan pants, my name is Adam. c u all there.


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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 20, 05:11 PM
    The iOS devices are reaching the right people.

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  • Stella
    Apr 4, 11:17 AM
    Thank you, Apple, for weeding out the companies whose business model depends on selling my information to junk-mailers.

    This is the kind of 'crazy-Steve-Jobs-control' I can live with.

    Do you have any proof that FT actually does sell email addresses?

    Just because businesses wants your email doesn't equate to they'll sell your details...


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  • Mord
    Sep 24, 07:13 PM
    i dont get parents that dont want their kids to have sex... just does not compute, your son is 18 he can do what he wants.

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  • Reebok4523
    Apr 7, 09:11 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I didn't even know that much storage could exist lol


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  • jefhatfield
    Feb 23, 10:23 AM
    So how soon until you get G5? ;)

    i have no idea how high arn or blakespot set the G3, G4, and G5 levels at

    601 is at either 3000 or 5000 posts and for me that was a long, long time ago

    blackberry 8520 curve covers. BLACKBERRY 8520 CURVE LV Case

  • ranviper
    Oct 11, 11:39 AM
    Where can I find this wallpaper? :)

    I couldnt find the original link, as I have had it for a while, but I uploaded it to imageshack, so here is that link =))


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  • BlackBerry Curve 8520 Housing

  • Socratic
    May 4, 06:01 PM
    It's not the Red Cross. It's the FDA. Last time the policy went up for review in 2006 or so, it was voted 7 against 6 to stay in place.

    And for anyone wondering, the wording is something along the lines of "if you are a man who has had sexual contact with another man, even once, since 1977, or if you are a woman who has had sexual contact with a man who has had sexual contact with another man, even once, since 1997, you are prohibited from donating blood."

    I think a basic level of intelligence indicates how wrong and prejudiced this is.

    According to statistics, black men are more than 6 times more likely than white men to become infected with HIV, but you sure as hell dont see people supporting banning black people from donating blood. Why? Simply because it is more socially acceptable to be homophobic than it is to be racist.

    Edit: I just wanted to make this clear: there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for blood donations, regardless of who may or may not be present. Donating blood saves lives. There is a problematic policy in place in the US and other countries at the moment, but that never has and never will make asking for people to donate blood problematic in any way, shape, or form.

    I should clarify then in light of my previous comments that I am in the UK, where the wording is very different.

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  • RollTide1017
    Apr 4, 11:54 AM
    I just want subscriptions on my iPad and the main point is, whether you agree or disagree with Apple's opt-in policy, this is still a major sticking point with many publications. Of all the magazine/newspaper apps I use on my iPad only 2 have adopted the new subscription policy. NYT was one of those but I deleted it because those prices were insane. I just want subscription options from Wired, Popular Mechanics and Sports Illustrated. I don't care about Apple's policy, I don't care if the publisher gets my info or not... I just want subscriptions!!!!!! I have stopped and will never pay another $5 per issue for anything on the iPad. Subscriptions or nothing!

    Apple + publishers - just get it worked out, I don't care how, just do it!


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  • BlackBerry Curve 8520 Housing

  • cranners
    Apr 22, 09:14 AM
    Just UITableViewCell ?

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  • Chundles
    Oct 9, 05:56 PM
    I purchased this app "again"... and...

    - SimplyTweet have more features then Tweetie 2.
    - Pay for each updates.
    - Not much has changed from the previous one.
    - Still no push notification.
    - Only fancy design nothing new and exiting.

    You don't pay for updates, Tweetie 1 had 7 free updates. Updates within the 2.0 version number will also be free. Same as EVERY piece of software for the desktop.


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  • OtterBox BlackBerry Curve 8520

  • BornToMac
    Oct 13, 09:40 PM
    switched it up a bit... my design.

    I really like your style and the combination of textures in this. Do you mind sharing your design so I can use it as a desk top?

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  • NT1440
    Dec 1, 04:56 PM

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  • Blackberry Curve 8520 Circle

  • Kjkirk
    Apr 10, 07:35 PM
    This is the third time I've noticed this. I charged my iPad last night and this morning it was 100% I did not use the iPad all day, save to check the %, right now, without using it ( it's 830 pm), it's at 59%? what's going on? We have an iPad and that one takes forever to run down...I have not used this one all day!

    Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 13, 04:41 AM
    Well I can only dream of achieving the moderator status. Maybe in 2 years Arn will give me a shot.

    Be-careful on what you wish for. I have been a mod before, and it is not an easy task.

    In many ways it is far better to be a positive contributing member to a forum.

    Mar 7, 10:12 AM
    Hopefully this won't be regarded as Spam, but if anyones interested there is a new site at ( very personal, friendly, free...

    best wishes


    Apr 7, 12:07 PM
    Also, how the hell are you supposed to play the Swordquest games without the manual and comic books?

    It is nice to see Waterworld though as the contest for it never happened and the cartridge was printed in very limited supplies.

    Apr 21, 08:38 AM
    Any proof, or just randomly spouting opinions?

    I'm not sure you would describe it as "caning" but Android phones comfortably outsold the iPhone last year.


    Nov 6, 10:46 AM
    Perhpas it is cool, but it "crashed" my touch pad. I zapped PRAM, repaired permissions and deleted the Sidetrack program and I still coouldn't get the touch pad to work again. Finally, I reinstalled Panther and it works......

    i just installed it and then i read this which scares me...

    anyone else have this problem?

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