Wednesday, June 1, 2011

film clipart

film clipart. A Perfect World - Clip Art:
  • A Perfect World - Clip Art:

  • Full of Win
    Apr 25, 09:02 AM
    Once again you are proving that you know nothing about production issues.

    Guilty as charged, which I indicated by adding 'supposed' to the post you quoted. This is not for lack of research, but rather due to the lack of forthcomingness from Apple. Most companies would have stated what the issue was, the corrective steps being taken to address it, and an apology for the massive (10 months out of an avg 12 month product life:eek:) delay. Apple ? Nothing, nada, zip, zilch....and that was one of the many disgraces I alluded to originally. Making a promice, not delivering on it for 10 months, and not being open as to the reason(s) why = DISGRACEFUL and DISGUSTING

    There is a big difference between making a few samples to show and circulate and real en masse production.
    There are also issues with white products that only show up after a certain amount of time.
    White tends to have aluminum oxide pigments and in many cases light inhibitors. Depending on the material used there may have been a delayed photo mechanical reaction.
    That especially, when several layers of white are used.
    But I am only guessing, the real issues are only know to Apple.

    Apple is a preeemint designer of consumer electronics in the World, in fact based on market cap, they are the second most valuable company in the United States. They are not some bush league designers, that much is certain. Apple had 6 months to find this issue, SIX MONTHS - plenty of time I think to do pre-produciotn runs and to identify the issue. The white iPhone 4 should never had graced Steve Jobs Keynote unless that were sure they could deliver it in a TIMELY manner. The fact that is did is another disgrace of the White iPhone 4.

    You also know absolutely NOTHING about the real issues other than what people speculated.

    Yes, I know nothing about the delay....due to the disgraceful actions of Apple and their total lack of openness. Again, I said "supposed" in the post you quoted to indicate I was not certain of the issue. I've added the definition for your edification, as you seem to not know the meaning of the word.

    Supposed: (verb) assume that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge

    For Apple to recognize it and NOT ship it, just because they showed it proves what a good company they are.

    Whatever time it then took to fix it is unimportant.

    So being 10 months late on a product, whose historic refresh cycle is ~12 months, is "unimportant". I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I think a delay that encompasses 80%+ of the historic product cycle is kind of important. To say otherwise speaks volumes.

    Oh, and try telling the people who waited 10 months to get one or who got a black one but really wanted a white one how "unimportant" this issue is. I'm sure your comment will fall on deaf ears.

    film clipart. Crap Hound: Clipart mania zine
  • Crap Hound: Clipart mania zine

  • rk1991
    Dec 1, 06:28 PM

    film clipart. Film clapboard on a nightly
  • Film clapboard on a nightly

  • spencers
    Apr 7, 09:04 AM
    I got a weird bug. Sometimes my albums in the photos app go right to the top of the screen and show underneath the 'menubar' at the top so I can tap on it and open the first album in the list. If I pull it back down on the rubberband effect it still goes to the top of the screen?! I have to restart my phone for it to reset and its still hit and miss whether it works.

    I do too

    film clipart. Barry#39;s Clip Art Server
  • Barry#39;s Clip Art Server

  • Peace
    Sep 26, 08:37 PM
    Stick around.There's cooler stuff on the way ;)


    film clipart. film camera clipart.
  • film camera clipart.

  • R94N
    Sep 28, 01:19 AM
    The picture doesn't seem to be working. Are you sure it's the right format/size?

    film clipart. film camera clip art books
  • film camera clip art books

  • irun5k
    Sep 27, 01:58 AM
    My $10 a month ($120 a year) web hosting account has 170 (thats right, 170!) gig of storage, something like hundreds of email accounts, php, ssh access, mysql, more, more and more.

    True, it doesn't do all the fancy stuff that .mac does with sync'ing and so forth. But that isn't my point. My point is that we should expect more, much more for $100 a year because web hosting providers are able to make a profit by offering much more. If the users demand it Apple will come around. But not if people keep paying for the service as-is. So they upgraded the webmail client- great. The eagle really took a ***** today didn't it?


    film clipart. Video Film Reel clip art
  • Video Film Reel clip art

  • Mr. Anderson
    Feb 12, 03:00 PM
    Case and point! :rolleyes:

    Don't worry, he's promised to be a good boy. And he knows that he has to keep it clean.


    film clipart. Blank Film Slate or Clapboard
  • Blank Film Slate or Clapboard

  • chris975d
    Nov 19, 11:54 AM
    I'm sure TJMax is rethinking how brilliant their idea is. But is it really illegal? What can Apple do?

    It's not "illegal", so there's nothing that could really happen to TJ Maxx. But the 3rd party that supplied them to TJ Maxx COULD lose their ability to receive Apple products (assuming they are a authorized reseller). This happens in my industry all the time (golf course management) with golf equipment, and the major manufacturers always go after these leaks and cut them off. The other thing that happens in my industry is that when a product is purchased from a non-authorized retailer, the manufacturer will typically void any warranty associated with it. I doubt Apple would do that to people who purchased an iPad through TJ Maxx, but if it's legal in the golf equipment realm, it might be within their rights here too.


    film clipart. camera film wallpaper. Clipart
  • camera film wallpaper. Clipart

  • Royal Pineapple
    Aug 13, 06:59 PM
    Last one for now...
    could you post that as a larger version, i think it would make a killer desktop picture

    film clipart. In honor of this All Hallow#39;s
  • In honor of this All Hallow#39;s

  • twoodcc
    Jan 1, 11:38 AM
    How? Unless the power outages were each 6 hours long, there is no way. However, since it's full blown snow storms up north, I guess those must be common, just like down here in Honduras. Albeit for entire different reasons:D:p:eek:

    I forgot to mention, if anyone has a PS3, download the Folding client to it! It works towards keeping our pace!

    well the 2684s take much longer for me to complete. on top of that, i wasn't home when the power outages hit, so it took awhile to get everything back up and running. and then another power outage...

    yeah i have my ps3 folding when i'm not using it.

    I usually just use my PS3 guess I should ramp it up then? Running full throttle on MBP i7 for a while! Using laptop on my lap.... the pain it burns! Ah my legs on fire!

    yeah might as well fold with your ps3 when you aren't using it. yeah i wouldn't use that mbp on your lap

    I wonder how many team members don't even know about the passkey/bonus system? Could we up output by educating them about that, as well as client configuration?

    hey not a bad idea. just start a new thread about it


    film clipart. film camera clipart.
  • film camera clipart.

  • jav6454
    Jan 25, 02:36 PM
    I am folding in windows with my gpu for the next week or so, or until twoodcc gets back, then I'll go back to os x. We will have crazy ppd (for us anyway :P) when he returns!! As least jav6454 is back now. :)
    If all goes to plan, I will be building an Ivy Bridge computer when the chip comes out. But who knows when that is actually going to happen.

    Ivy Bridge ain't got nothing on Bloomfield! :D:D:eek:

    *sobs to death at realization of Ivy Bridge outdating Bloomfield*:o:(

    At any rate, once twoodcc gets back I'll put in my remaining 5850 at -bigadv units at maximum clocks.

    film clipart. Film clip art
  • Film clip art

  • MattInOz
    Apr 27, 10:40 PM
    We need finer control over location. All we get to decide is yes or no. We should be able to decide what an app is going to do with the info.

    Example: I'd like my maps app to use my location ONLY to tell me where i am. NOT share my location.

    These broad agreement terms are the reason i have never installed an application on facebook. the terms are like "allow this application to access all your files, post to your friends walls, share your info, access your friends' info, etc. By clicking agree, you are allowing it to become your new spam bot.

    In this new era, clicking agree should not be legally binding. Every time I want to update safari or itunes or install any new program I need to read 120 pages of legal speak? I'd have to hire a lawyer full time for years to get thru it all. I challenge anyone to read and understand every agreement in every app on your computer. For all we know there is a clause in there that says they own your firstborn. This is not directed at apple, this applies to all companies and developers.

    It's a nice idea but how could it ever be practical?

    Your device hands the the App an object that contains to location data because you've given them some permission to that data. Sure they could maybe stop the app from sending that object to functions that send it off the device, but if the developer can use the info then they can copy, re-encode their own way and still send it off the device.

    If you don't trust the app with your data then don't let them have it. Once they have it they will do what they please with it. Any control is only going to be a honesty policy at best.

    That said, It seems like the core location is only handing out anonymous information by itself. So the only effective fine grain control is in the combination of info you allow an app to have.

    In the end it comes down to the trust your willing to place in a company and how prepared you are to smack them if they break trust.


    film clipart. Movie Film Reels
  • Movie Film Reels

  • srob030869
    Feb 12, 07:46 AM
    This is Hong Kong.

    Judging from this picture, looks like a fancy restaurant in a hotel in the Tsim Tsa Tsui district.

    Maybe from The Inter-Continental or the Renaissance Hotels, beside the Avenue of Stars, going from the direction of the image. Mine are not so good, cheap digicam :mad: on a rainy + cloudy November night

    film clipart. film camera clipart. stock
  • film camera clipart. stock

  • Ciclismo
    Apr 25, 05:31 AM
    I think there should be an option in the poll for "No thanks, waiting for the iPhone 5" as it can't be that far away.


    film clipart. film reel clipart.
  • film reel clipart.

  • manu chao
    Apr 4, 06:08 PM
    You're right. Ideally they wouldn't need my info. In the grand scheme of things, I personally trust Apple more than I trust most other companies. I also expect to have a continuing long-term relationship with them, that includes person-to-person services in addition to sale of products. I also prefer to have a single point-of-contact I can use to sever any relationships I don't want to continue.

    So for me it comes down to "who do you trust?" Apple has, historically, been very good about not subscribing me to mailings I don't want. They also never have sold my info (I know this because I use a different email address in a domain I own for every on-line business I do business with. From this I know who, exactly, sells my info. I just look at who my spam is addressed to).
    There are quite a number of companies I trust in addition to Apple (a lot of local ones). I cannot remember to ever having received spam from Google (not that I trust them in everything but in this regard they have been good).

    film clipart. film reel clipart. clipart
  • film reel clipart. clipart

  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 23, 04:41 AM
    What exact external HDD do you connect via what interface (USB & Firewire) to what exact Mac with what exact Mac OS X version?
    And what do you mean with "it won't repair" via Disk Utility? Can you provide more info for that?
    Have you tried an SMC reset yet?
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) (


    film clipart. clipart “film and photos -1
  • clipart “film and photos -1

  • LimeiBook86
    Aug 21, 12:30 PM
    Here's a bigger version (not the avatar version though) :)

    film clipart. Cartoon Video Camera Clipart
  • Cartoon Video Camera Clipart

  • zwida
    Sep 26, 08:37 PM
    That's GREAT news. I've been stuck using web mail since my IT folks locked down all the ports on our system. Can't wait to have reasonable functionality again.

    film clipart. Selected Clipart:
  • Selected Clipart:

  • tdbaws
    Mar 6, 11:32 PM
    thanks alot man. i appreciate that.

    May 5, 04:00 AM
    that would be interesting, however the camera on the imac is great anyways :-)

    Oct 5, 11:10 PM
    HUH? Camino is slow as ****!

    Are you sure you're using the latest Camino? I'm not sure what things are like on the mactel side but on PPCmacs, Camino is hands-down faster than Safari- an advantage that becomes more obvious the longer you surf without restarting the browser...

    Feb 12, 03:08 PM
    Congrats to the four new Mods. I think it's safe to say they're all universally respected members of the forum and are great choices.

    With MR becoming ever more popular it has become harder to effectively moderate these boards, especially with the international flavour we've got going on here! I'm sure the new Mods will do a great job and will keep the MR community spirit going. Congrats again guys :)

    Apr 4, 12:02 PM
    should mention that after I put the new cpu compound in it took a few goes to restart properly, locking up and one 'you must restart your computer'. Then all was well.

    Feb 18, 10:46 AM
    My service provider offers CPanel Horde for webmail. I didn't used to mind that but now Horde has been changed in lots of crappy ways and I don't like it. Plus it doesn't work at all on Safari.

    Is there a way for me to get my webmail through another service?

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